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12 Best Perennial Seeds

Starting Perennials from Seed

Starting Perennials From Seed

Before you do anything, you have to get the seeds first! Our seeds are purchased from the TOP suppliers in the industry giving you Non-GMO Pure Seed with No Filler!

Just like with vegetables, herbs, and annual flowers, you can speed up the maturity of the plant by starting the seeds indoors using light, heat, and humidity to mimic springtime/summertime growing conditions.  However many “wildflowers” do not like to be started indoors and prefer direct sowing outside in late fall or spring (after your last frost date)

Humidity is key to getting your seeds to sprout. Ensure your soil is thoroughly watered while waiting for the seed. A dome, such as a clean salad container, is also encouraged to help lock in moisture.

It’s important to note that perennial seeds may take longer to germinate than other seeds you may be used to such as vegetables or wildflowers. Give them at least a month to germinate before you give up on the seed.

Be careful what perennials you try to grow from seed. The trick with perennials is to make sure that you are starting those that will bloom in one to two years when grown from seed. Some plants are also very finicky and difficult to grow from seed.


12 Best Perennial Seeds to Start

The 12 Best Perennial Flower Seeds

The benefits of starting the right perennials from seed are many: to save money, to grow rare cultivars, and for fun. Most importantly, though, growing your own seeds from scratch means that you are certain what sort of soil, fertilizer, additives, and growing conditions your plants have been subjected to throughout their lives.




AQUILEGIA (Columbine)


Delosperma cooperi (Livingstone Mix – Ice Plant)

Dianthus (Sweet William)

Echinacea (Coneflower)

Gaillardia (Blanket Blower)

New England Aster

Shasta Daisy

If you’re looking for a classic flower, the shasta is a long favourite with it’s long white petals and yellow center.


Lupine (Lupinus)

Tall and showy, lupine comes in purple, pink, yellow, red, and white. Growing from seed is a quick way to accomplish a showy garden.

Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

A member of the sunflower family, black-eyed Susan’s are sturdy yellow flowers with a dark center. They are drought resistant and work in a variety of soils.ials I recommend you start from seed.

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